Scarves, Scarves, and More Scarves!

I know I haven’t posted things for my Learning Project for a while, but I’ve kind of become consumed with crocheting. A mother of a friend of mine heard that I was learning how to crochet and she gave me a pattern for this scarf, so I tried it out. So, technically I didn’t find this pattern online, but I did learn something new. the first scarf took me about 9 hours to make, then by the time I did the last one, I can get them done in about 6-7 hours. (I know, it seems like a lot… but it’s fun!). With learning how to crochet, I not only learned a new skill, but also a new way to unwind when school gets a little bit stressful. That’s kind of why I went crazy on the scarf-making. When you get into a groove with crocheting, it’s really easy and relaxing….Well, until you aren’t paying close enough attention and have to take a bit of it apart…oops!

So, I started with the red scarf. For all of them I used a medium weight wool and a 6.5mm hook. I decided to double up on the wool so there was two strands to be crocheted every time – this way the scarf is thicker and therefore softer and warmer. All of the scarves are also approximately 6 feet long.

I then decided that since I was going to double up the wool that I should try mixing colors. That being said, the second scarf I made is the two-toned teal blue scarf.

The third (and favorite) scarf is the multi-colored blue/green/brown scarf. I made this one to match my winter coat.

I then wanted to try something new, So for the fourth and final scarf I made is the blue and purple one. The purple is a mix of a solid purple and multi purple and the blue is a solid blue paired with a multi, as well. This one is half blue and half purple. I wasn’t sure how to change colors without just tying the wool off and starting over, so I looked it up on YouTube and found it was really easy. Scarves


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